17 issues found.
1978 Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Israeli PM Begin and Egyptian President Sadat
Begin, Menachem (1913-1992) Israel-Egypt Peace Process Nobel Peace Prize Norway Oslo Palestinian Elections Sadat, Anwar (1918-1981)The 1978 Nobel Peace Prize, awarded on 10 December 1978 in Oslo, Norway, to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. -
Reagan Plan (1982)
A peace initiative put forth by US President Ronald Reagan on 1 September 1982. -
Israeli National Unity Government's Peace Plan (1989)
A peace plan proposed on 14 May 1989 by Israel's national unity government, a grand coalition formed in 1988 that included the two major Israeli parties, Likud and Labor. -
Egyptian President Mubarak’s Ten-Point Plan (1989)
A ten-point initiative proposed by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on 11 September 1989. -
US Secretary of State Baker's Five-Point Plan (1989)
A five-point document submitted to Israeli and Egyptian representatives by US Secretary of State James Baker on 1 November 1989, recognizing that Egypt would coordinate its position with the Palestinians. -
Declaration of Principles (Oslo I, 1993)
Abbas, Mahmoud (1935-) Arafat, Yasser (1929-2004) Christopher, Warren (1925-2011) Clinton, William J. (1946-) Gaza Strip Jericho Milestones Oslo Process Palestinian Elections Peres, Shimon (1923-2016) Rabin, Yitzhak (1922-1995) Redeployment West BankAn agreement between Israel and the PLO, signed in Washington, DC, on 13 September 1993, following an exchange of letters on mutual recognition. -
Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement (Oslo II, 1995)
Arafat, Yasser (1929-2004) Aviation Clinton, William J. (1946-) Gaza Strip Gaza Strip-West Bank Corridor Hebron Holy Sites JVT/IVG Maritime Activity Milestones Oslo Process Palestinian Elections Palestinian Legislative Council Palestinian Police/Security Force Palestinian Prisoners Peres, Shimon (1923-2016) Rabin, Yitzhak (1922-1995) Redeployment West BankAn agreement between Israel and the PLO, part of the Oslo Process, concluded in Washington, DC, on 28 September 1995. -
Quartet Statement (September 2002)
Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) Annan, Kofi (1938-) Bush, George W. (1946-) Middle East Quartet Palestinian Elections Powell, Colin L. (1937-) Provisional Borders Second Intifada Settlement Freeze Solana, Javier (1942-)A statement published by the Middle East Quartet on 17 September 2002 in New York, NY, following a meeting between UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, US Secretary of State Colin Powell, EU High Representative Javier Solana, EU Commissioner for External Affairs Chris Patten and Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller. -
Road Map for Peace (2003)
European Union Incitement Israeli Settlement Outposts Middle East Quartet Palestinian Elections Provisional Borders Russian Federation Settlement Freeze United StatesA plan introduced by the Middle East Quartet (US, Russia, EU and UN), based on a document prepared by the US Department of State, whose final text was published on 30 April 2003. -
Government of Israel's Reservations to the Road Map (2003)
Incitement JVT/IVG Palestinian Elections Palestinian Legislative Council Repatriation/Right of ReturnA resolution adopted by the Government of Israel on 25 May 2003, in which it accepted in principle the Road Map for Peace, along with 14 reservations, and resolved to continue peace negotiations, while reiterating that it will not accept the entry of Palestinian refugees into Israel as part of a settlement. -
PNA President Abbas' Inaugural Address (2005)
Abbas, Mahmoud (1935-) Fatah Middle East Quartet Palestinian Elections Palestinian Prisoners West Bank Separation BarrierThe inaugural address given by newly-elected PNA President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on 15 January 2005. -
Cairo Declaration (2005)
Fatah Fatah-Hamas Relations Hamas Palestinian Elections Palestinian Prisoners West Bank Separation BarrierA declaration adopted by representatives from 13 Palestinian organizations in Cairo, Egypt, on 17 March 2005. -
2006 Palestinian Legislative Council Election
Abbas, Mahmoud (1935-) Fatah Hamas Haniyeh, Ismail (1963-) Milestones Palestinian Elections Palestinian Legislative CouncilThe second election to the Palestinian Legislative Council, enlarged to 132 seats, held 10 years after the previous elections in 1996. -
National Accord (Prisoners' Document) (2006)
A document authored by five Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli Hadarim Prison, released in May 2006. -
Arab League Resolutions on Palestinian Unity and Gaza (November 2008)
East Jerusalem Fatah Fatah-Hamas Relations Gaza Strip Hamas Historical Basin Palestinian Elections UNRWA West BankTwo resolutions adopted at an emergency ministerial-level meeting of the Arab League in Cairo, Egypt, on 26 November 2008.