9 issues found.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 (2016)
East Jerusalem Middle East Quartet Obama, Barack H. (1961-) Six Day War Trump, Donald J. (1946-) Two-State Solution UNSC ResolutionsA resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council on 23 December 2016, by a vote of 14 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstaining (United States). -
Israeli PM Netanyahu's Speech at the 2011 AIPAC Conference (2011)
AIPAC Green Line/(Pre-)1967 Lines Hamas Netanyahu, Benjamin (1949-) Obama, Barack H. (1961-) United StatesA speech given by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference in Washington, DC, on 22 May 2011. -
Remarks by US President Obama at the 2011 AIPAC Conference (2011)
A speech given by US President Barack Obama at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference in Washington, DC, on 22 May 2011. -
Quartet Statement (May 2011)
A statement published by the Middle East Quartet on 20 May 2011. -
US President Obama's Vision for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (2011)
A policy speech on the Middle East and North Africa given by US President Barack Obama in Washington, DC, on 19 May 2011. -
Washington Summit (2010)
Abbas, Mahmoud (1935-) Clinton, Hillary R. (1947-) Netanyahu, Benjamin (1949-) Obama, Barack H. (1961-)A summit held on 2 September 2010 in Washington, DC, aimed at restarting direct Israeli-Palestinian talks, following indirect negotiations that had been taking place since November 2009. -
US President Obama's UN General Assembly Speech (2009)
A speech given before the United Nations General Assembly by US President Barack Obama on 23 September 2009. -
Israeli PM Netanyahu's Bar-Ilan Speech (2009)
Demilitarized Palestinian State Hamas Hezbollah Iran Netanyahu, Benjamin (1949-) Obama, Barack H. (1961-) Partition Shalit, Gilad (1986-)A speech given by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Bar-Ilan University on 14 June 2009. -
US President Obama's Speech to the Muslim World in Cairo (2009)
A speech given by US President Barack Obama at Cairo University on 4 June 2009.